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Prior to my 4th year as a physics major at the University of Alberta, Japanese 242 was, simply put, an interesting sounding class that filled the arts credits.  Little did I know it would quickly become one of my favourite classes of my undergraduate experience.  From the moment the syllabus was sent out at the end of August, I was drawn into the class.  Not only was my knowledge sub-par relative to the rest of the class, but every other word or idea was something new to me – a frightening yet daring feeling.  I was not disappointed.

I was born and raised in Edmonton, so the campus, and city, are very familiar to me.  I started playing hockey when I was seven years old, and have been an enthusiast ever since.  I participate in regular student activities such as studying, mountain biking, gaming and other social events.  I’ve held a variety of jobs, from a Student Internship at WCB to a camp councillor at the Okanagan Hockey School in Penticton, British Columbia.

A few neat facts:

-I can solve a 3×3 Rubik’s Cude

-I have been to Atlanta, California, Hawaii, Paris, Rome and New York City.

-I was on a team that won the FLL Youth Robotics Competition in 2006, and competed in the international competition in Atlanta, Georgia.

In terms of this website, my main contributions came in the form of creating the site, and teaching Esther, Megan and Monica to make the once generic site, our own.  We each chose our own source to analyze and compare with what we learned in class.  I chose T-Rex vs. Samurai as my source to critique.  I was shown this image by a friend while sitting in another class, and immediately thought it was an interesting piece to dissect.  I was also apart of the group analysis of The Last Samurai. Once we had all watched (or re-watched) the film, we dedicated a meeting strictly to distributing our thoughts and turn our individual perspectives into one.

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